Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Battling insomnia-29wks3days

I wasn't someone to suffer from insomnia since can usually sleep alot but to be lying down for at least 22hrs a day, sometimes I will fall asleep at random time and therefore suffer from insomnia now during nights.

I also realised that twinnies are more active during night time. Both will be kicking actively when I lie on either sides and sometimes it takes me quite a while to sleep cuz of the kicking.

I try all sorts of way to tired myself out just before bed time but even though I managed to sleep, sometimes will wake up at 2am and stay awake till 6am. Then when eventually sleep back, Mr Love will be up for work at 6.45am. We will usually be awake as Mr Love gets ready and try to sleep back after daddy gives his morning goodbye kisses. This is the timing we sleep best till 9.30am when twinnies will start asking for breakie.

So what do I do when there is no way to sleep? I let things be and start surfing net. Haha. But then it is not that easy given I need lie on sides and gets abit uncomfortable if I hold the phone for too long. Changing sides is another challenge since my tum tum is getting bigger.

Some nights if we get too bored from surfing net, we will just turn to papa's side and watch him sleep. Haha. Sometimes his gentle snores will put us to sleep too.

If all else fails I would just toss n turn in bed, allowing myself to day dream abit on how life would be when the twinnies are out. Despite many telling me that life will be hard when the twinnies come along, I really look forward to carrying them in my arms instead of hugging my tum tum now only.

I would also do some prayers at night hoping that my twinnies will be born matured and healthy. This is usually my quiet time trying to seek solace from god.

I know this insomnia phase would past somehow and soon I might get not much sleep with arrival of the twinnies. Which is why I try to enjoy this phase now. It's actually quite therapeutic to just lie there and feel the twinnies kick around. It makes me relieve that they are active, it makes me grateful that they are holding on as per what I told them. Most of all it makes every passing day a blessing knowing that they will be more healthy when they are born as we advanced through the pregnancy.

Till they are ready for the world, I would continue to lie and overcome whatever it may come. For this is for the twinnies' best interest.

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