Since we got married, we were busy with sch, with work, with respective families with every thing else and 4got to leave them for ourselves.Many will say, u r married wat, u lived together, so basically u r spending them together.WRONG!
The fact that we are married, living on our own makes us even more distanced. We worked on wkdays, attending sch on some nites, thus some times we onli see each other for 2hrs before we hit the sack, dun even haf the time to have a good chat..on some good days, we manage to squeeze in some time to haf a little chat to update each other of wat is happening to us at work or sch...
We try however, to leave fri out of any activities so that we can go 4 a movie or a good dinner juz to spend some quality time together..
Sat is always hse work day for me while he is coaching TT..Sun, will be spend slping late,den goin bak to parents in law hse n rush to his TT coachin again which ends at 7pm...after coachin, we will go 4 his dinner den it will be 9pm b4 we reach hm n after showering all tt...its time to judgin from our tight schedules 4 the wk, we don't realli have much time to interacrt although we r stayin together..
Sometimes, if we were nt too tired, we will lie on the bed,side by side to haf a quick conversation on our day, or during our travel journey bak home, we will update each other on the day's happening...its nt like during our dating yrs, where wkends are spend solely on our catchin up on the wk events...
So, we planned to take a day off our work n other committments and make a trip to Universal Studios Singapore to unwind ourselves..although it is not goin on a overseas trip, but still its a day tt we 4get about everything and enjoy all the rides in the park..
It feels juz like the times when we are overseas, going on every ride in the theme park, luffing and enjoyin each other's company without thinking of anything from work or home..i can sense hubs' happiness and the smiles we had in the photos reminds me of the many happie times we have during our overseas trips..
Its good to take a day off once in a while to spend some quality time together and go on a field trip where we are alone in our own world, here it is where we bond and find back the loving times we had all these yrs..cheers to more of such times...
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