She understands me more than others, for maybe we went thru the same things at home..the way we handle things, the thinkings we haf, the sturggle we have within us, we both noe it beri well n can feel each other's pain, happiness, sorrow, helplessness...
Yesh, she is understand me far more better than hubs..beneath our happie exterior, there is a layer of feelings perhaps not many can understand n we may nt want plp to noe..its onli infront of plp we trust den we will let our guard down n let them walk into our little world..other than tat, we will shut out every 1 n upkeep our happie exterior, tt's us, the 2 partners, not tat we want it to be like tt, but we juz dun wan to bother every 1 with our problem n nt many will be able to understand us..
which is y, she can relate to me whenever i haf things that i cannot figure out, she may nt have the solutions for me, but hafin her as a listening ear, as a supporter no matter wat, is a great stength to me..I am grateful to haf meet her n haf her as a dearest partner, sister in my life..
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