Actually,when i came bak frm Taipei the other time, i tried to find it in the duty free shop but then i didnt noe the difference btw the different perfume and thus couldnt find the rite 1..on top of it, i was dead tired to try all, in the end, i juz came out...hehehe
it is till the other day when Cindy educated me on the different names, den i noe they haf quite a range of off i went to Sasa to check it out..i found the correct 1 but still couldnt make up my mind to buy as i still haf a whole bottle of Chole on my shelf tt Val gave me as a weddin pressie...
2days later, i pass by beauty language at YTP and then went in again, this time as the shop was pretty empty, the SA have all the time in the world to serve me and answer all my stupid questions on perfumes..u see, i dun haf the habit of using perfume till recently as i did nt wan to waste the bottle Val gave me..heheh...
She explained patiently to me on the difference btw EDT & EDP..heheh and in the end i brought 2 lo..Incanto charm and DKNY delicious which is a EDP..heheh..
Okie, the thing is, yest i decided to use the DKNY prefume, which is the stronger 1 among the 2..hehe and while on the way hm in the life, hubs ask me izzit i changed my perfume..i was taken aback kk..whaha for 1,i didnt expect him to realise lo..whahah
To be frank, i was quite happie, happie tt he took notice of such small details for i didnt even noe he noes i am wearing perfume, now i noe, hubs is secretly taking notice of me without me knowing..heheh uh oh.......
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